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About Me

Friday, October 21, 2016

My Favorite Childhood Memory

               I think my favorite childhood memory is my little yellow Winnie-The-Pooh blanket. It's small and square and yellow, with a red P in the middle with a purple circle around it. Every single time I would go to sleep I would make sure I wouldn't be without it. No matter where we were, at a hotel, someone's house, or even on an airplane, I would never sleep without it. One time when we left a hotel in Ohio, I thought I lost it. I checked under all the sheets, in the desks, under the beds, it was nowhere to be seen. I was so sad and angry that I never wanted to leave the hotel. But a few days after we come back, what do I see at the bottom of my suitcase: The blanket! I was so ecstatic and happy that I made a promise to myself to never lose it again. It was so soft and stretchy. I still have it today, and there aren't any huge holes or rips. I think it's only faded a little bit, but it looks almost the same. I think the reason why I have such a strong bond to it is because it was one of the first objects I saw and experienced as a toddler. As I grew, I knew that it was very important and that I would recognize it immediately when I felt and saw it, even in the dark. It was and still is one of my most significant possessions.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you were able to find your blanket. It must've played a significant role in your life.
