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Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Cinematic Experience Worthy For All The Awards: Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange is the latest installment in the critically acclaimed Marvel Cinematic Universe, based on the Marvel comic books. It is an amazing show of visual effects and storytelling, and of the best movies in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. It starts off with the extremely wealthy neurosurgeon Stephen Strange(Benedict Cumberbatch). He is a cocky, self centered man who doesn't recognize the effect of his attitude on his coworkers, including his love interest Christine Palmer(Rachel McAdams).

While driving down a road at night, he suffers a car accident in which his hands are practically destroyed. His career as a neurosurgeon is effectively ended, and he spends all of his resources trying to fix himself. He ostracizes himself from the people he knows, and becomes a broken man. He travels across the world in a last ditch effort to save his career and restore him to the man he once was. What follows is a visual masterpiece involving sorcery and the world as we know it.

Within the movie are scenes of pure mastery, too detailed and thought out to be accurately described in this movie review. These sequences are mind bending and colorful, showing a new universe unheard of to man, also exhibiting the countless hours of work in production of the movie. There are reality warping sequences that remind viewers of Inception with a little Harry Potter thrown in. I cannot believe that Dr. Strange did not win an Oscar for its effects, but they were wonderful regardless.

The storytelling of the movie was excellent, but there were some instances in which it was rushed. I could understand having to cut between months of action in-movie, but additional background information could've been provided. However, the transition in the movie from the broken shell of a man to a man that is multiple times better than what he was originally was excellent. The movie truly illustrates how Stephen progressed as a human mentally.

Overall, Dr. Strange is an excellent movie, beautifully thought out and executed. I give it a 9.5/10. I hope that the future films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe live up to the bar set by Dr. Strange.

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