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About Me

Sunday, December 11, 2016

If I had to work at a school....

If I had to work at a school, I think I would be a math teacher for 8th grade.When I took a multiple intelligence test the outcomes were mostly geared towards logic and reasoning subjects. Out of them I think I would perform the greatest in math. I have this love for wanting to solve and explain equations, no matter how hard they are, and if I had the chance to pass that onto other kids, it would be great. 

I also want to provide the kids with a nice, structured understanding of how math works, because that is needed for life later on. If you don't understand how percents work, you will never be able to understand how discounts work and you'll probably be shortchanged on your money. Even if the kids don't want to become a math teacher, if they want to become microbiologists, they'll need to understand how exponents and powers work in order to study how bacteria reproduce. I think that math is a pillar for many professions, and that kids should know how to use it and apply it to situations.

I chose 8th Grade because they are the most mature in understanding of the subject. Although they might not have a background understanding of the subject that is being taught, they have the mind to comprehend and understand it. I wouldn't want to teach high school and up since those require the patience to be able to deal with the subjects being taught, and I don't want to teach 4th and below since sometimes that requires the patience to deal with the kids being taught.

All in all, I think that being a math teacher would be a suitable profession for me, although it is not at the top of my list.

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